New permanent exhibition


Opening: March 2026

What fascinates readers all over the world about Rilke’s poems? What was the scent of 1921? How can we imagine the poet’s voice? In March 2026, the Rilke Foundation will open the new permanent exhibition and a new digital experience to mark the symbolic year.

The Rilke Foundation invites you to take part in this endeavour: When did you discover Rilke? What did you find in his poems, his prose, his letters? What surprised you, what inspired you? Write us about your experience by 31 May 2025. A selection of the answers will be presented in the new permanent exhibition.

We also invite you to become part of the extraordinary story of patronage, public and private support. Would you like to make a contribution of CHF 10, CHF 20 or CHF 100 to the construction of the new permanent exhibition? To thank you, you will receive an invitation to the vernissage in March 2026 and a publication.



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Find out more:

Rainer Maria Rilke (left) et Paul Valéry (right), 1926, SLA Bern.

Fondation Rilke, Sierre


New acquisition: ten letters from Rilke

Permanent exhibition (explanation in English on request)
Rilke in Valais
Fondation Rilke
Rue du Bourg 30
CH-3960 Sierre
Open from Tuesday to Sunday
from 2pm – 6 pm

special show: Rilke and his patrons
From 18 February 2025, Fondation Rilke

New publications

Deutscher Text und französische Übertragung / Le texte original et sa transcription française
Rainer Maria Rilke, Suzanne Kra
Erich Unglaub (Hg.)
Mai 2025, ca. 160 Seiten, Schriften der Fondation Rilke, Französisch/Deutsch
Schwabe Verlag

Rainer Maria Rilke Duineser Elegien
und zugehörige Gedichte. 1912-1922
Herausgegeben von Christoph König
Reihe: Rainer Maria Rilke. Werke. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe
494 S.

Rainer Maria Rilke. Gedichte in zwei Sprachen / Poèmes en double version
Erich Unglaub, Curdin Ebneter (Hrsg.)
107 p.
4 illustrations
Livre relié
Publications de la Fondation Rilke 1
Paraît le 10 juin 2024

Rainer Maria Rilke: Poems to night
translated by Will Stone
Pushkin Press, 2020


Fondation Rilke: catalogue online

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