Temporary exhibits

In addition to the permanent exhibit, the Rilke Foundation features temporary exhibits at regular intervals that address specific themes from Rilke’s life and work. Held mainly at the de Courten House, exhibits often relate themes from Rilke’s work to trips, periods of residence, and influential meetings undertaken and experienced by the poet. Additional exhibits feature fine art inspired by Rilke and his poetry.

Temporary exhibits are accompanied as a rule by a publication or a bilingual (French/German) exhibition catalogue.

Temporary exhibits

2024Rilke’s travels
In 2024 at the Centre Dürenmatt (CDN)
2023 – Rilke, Hesse, Dürrenmatt, Bonvin….and wine.
2018 – in Mase: letters from Rainer Maria Rilke to Nanny Wunderly Volkart
2016 – Rund um den Turm, Festival Rilke, Festival Rilke
2009 – Rilke: Les jours d’Italie / Die italienischen Tage *
(Rilke: Days in Italy)
2006 – Amitiés russes / Russische Freundschaften: Rilke – Zwetajewa – Pasternak *
(Russian Friendships: Rilke – Zwetajewa – Pasternak)
2003 – Rilke et l’Egypte – Rilke und Ägypten * (mit Gemälden von Carl August et Carl Walter Liner)
(Rilke and Egypt – With paintings by Carl August Liner and Carl Walter Liner)
2000 – «Le pur espace et la saison». Rilke en Valais / Rilke im Wallis 1921-1926
(“Like pure space / and season.” Rilke in Valais 1921-1926)
(Russian Friendships: Rilke – Zwetajewa – Pasternak)
1997 – Rilke & Rodin: Paris 1902-1913 *
(Rilke & Rodin: Paris 1902-1913)
1994 – Le monde enchanté de Corinna Bille et de Robert Hainard
(The Charmed World of Corinna Bille and Robert Hainard)
1994 – Le monde enchanté de Corinna Bille et de Robert Hainard
(The Charmed World of Corinna Bille and Robert Hainard)
1994 – Le monde enchanté de Corinna Bille et de Robert Hainard
(The Charmed World of Corinna Bille and Robert Hainard)
1992/93 – Le Ciel renversé / Cerul răsturnat: Rilke illustré par le peintre roumain Vasile Baboe *
(Sky Overturned / Cerul răsturnat: Rilke Pictured by the Romanian Painter Vasile Baboe)
1992/93 – Le Ciel renversé / Cerul răsturnat: Rilke illustré par le peintre roumain Vasile Baboe *
(Sky Overturned / Cerul răsturnat: Rilke Pictured by the Romanian Painter Vasile Baboe)
1989 – Hommage à S. Corinna Bille 1979-1989: Mon Rêve a su, mon Oeil a vu / Wissend mein Traum, sehend mein Auge *
(Tribute to S. Corinna Bille (1979-1989): My dream has known, my eye has seen)
1988 – Les Quatrains Valaisans. Entstehung und Widerhall eines Walliser Zyklus *
(The Valais Poems. Evolution and Echo of a Cycle from Valais)
Stefan Zweig: Leben und Werk im Bild und in Büchern
(Stefan Zweig: Life and Work in Image and Books)
1987 – Itinéraires convergents: Rilke et Kassner / Rilke und Kassner *
(Converging Itineraries: Rilke and Kassner)

Show-cases/displays (Vitrinen): temporary exhibits

2023 – In Raron: Bonne nuit alors / und der grüsse alle Glocken
2022 – Duino Elegies
2022 – Sonette an Orpheus
2021 – René Morax – Rilke
2021 – Anita Forer – Baudelaire
2020 – Pandemic – Foot and mouth disease – Rilke
2019 – Engraving Ernst Georg Rüegg (Muzot, 1921)
2018 – Vergers („Orchards“)
2018 – In Raron: Wind (poetry and rare editions)
2018 – Portuguese letters: the letters of Marianna Alcoforado
2017 – Correspondance between Rainer Maria Rilke and Marietta de Courten
2017 – Winter (poetry and correspondance)
2016 – Rilke and Baladine Klossowska: portraits and correspondance
2015 – Newspaper articles from our collection digitalised in 2015
2015 – New Acquisition: “La Terre Valaisanne,” by Louis de Courten, inscribed by Rilke

Permanent exhibition

2011 – Le Valais vu par Rilke / Das Wallis, gesehen von Rilke
(Valais through Rilke’s Eyes)

Art exhibition/installation inspired by Rilke

2000 – Peter Wullimann
1999 – Bernadette Duchoud
1996 – Pierre Loye
1996 – Friedel Peisert
1991 – Antje Tesche-Mentzen

Photography exhibits with rilkian themes

2006 – Die letzten Tage der Romanows, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Musée de l’Elysée in Lausanne und den Caves de Courten in Sierre
(The Romanovs’ Final Days, in collaboration with the Musée de l’Elysée in Lausanne and the Caves de Courten in Sierre)
2003 – Lehnert & Landrock, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Musée de l’Elysée in Lausanne
(Lehnert & Landrock, in collaboration with the Musée de l’Elysée in Lausanne)
2001 – Le Paris de Rilke: Agnès Bonnot

* Exhibition resulted in a publication.

Flyer der Ausstellung Die italienischen Tage, 2009
Plakat des Rilkefestivals 2006
Plakat der Ausstellung Annäherungen / Rilke und Kassner, 1987
